What do I do in the Driver profile section of my account?


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

The profile section is where you can sell your services to the customer by uploading photos and writing a personal statement about your services.

This profile is public on the internet and will appear in the Google search result.

Also, if a Customer wants to make a booking, they can check your profile, reviews and photos and your profile or company description.

Often the Customers decide whether they will make a booking for your account or not, so you must create a strong profile. Upload all possible reference images, for example, photos from your previous jobs, your clean van etc.

You can set up your Facebook page URL and website URL also (if you have one). That will be available as well on your profile page. For this feature ( * subscription required )

A good profile description is also necessary because the customer is first faced with your profile and maybe choose you based on this for their next move.

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